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Spencerville Local Schools





Spencerville Local Schools


Home of the Bearcats


District Profile




Superintendent Message


Welcome to Spencerville Local Schools!  The village of Spencerville has been in existence since 1844 and the start of education began in 1846.  Spencerville’s first graduating class was in 1888, graduating four girls and four boys.  The enrollment has continued to increase over the years, which led to the building of new school facilities.  Today, we house approximately 930 students and 115 staff.  The success of this growth is attributed to the commitment of the community.  One Spencerville historical book summarizes it well: “It is impossible to separate the school from its community”.  This tradition remains today and is the basis for the school district’s vision statement: “Learning and growing together as one school, one community, one purpose”.

Our rural size makes us unique and enables us to offer more personalized learning experiences.  The teacher to student ratio is strategically low to allow for more individualized instruction for all students.  Having grades K through 12 all in the same building is another great benefit to our students and staff, while maximizing tax dollars.

Generally, we average around 60% of our students attending some form of college education after high school (2 year or 4 year).  We offer college and career readiness, which ensures that each graduate is fully prepared to make personalized post-graduation plans, including military or entering the workforce.  Spencerville Local Schools offers many opportunities outside of the classroom such as sports and extra-curricular activities.  Participation in clubs, such as FFA and FCCLA, band and choir, service organizations, etc. teaches students self-discipline, personal responsibility, and the value of teamwork. 


Brian Woods
Spencerville Local Schools


Board of Education

Mr. Nate Pohlman– President

Mrs. Liz Klaus – Vice President

Mr. Spencer Clum - Member

Mr. Ryan McMichael – Member

Mr. Clarke Prichard – Member


Mr. Brian Woods – Superintendent

Mr. Leland Hays – Treasurer

Mr. Scott Gephart – HS Principal

Mr. John Zerbe – MS Principal

Mrs. Susie Wagner – Elementary Principal

Mrs. Kelli Williams - Athletic Director

Mrs. Amy Shoppell – Technology Coordinator

Mr. Zach Stemen – Maintenance Supervisor

Mrs. Deb Kill – Food Service Supervisor

Mrs. Christy Erickson – School Nurse



Spencerville Schools recognize the district as the heart of learning, caring, and support for all.

A safe and orderly environment

A collaborative effort with all stakeholders

 Create an environment where all students can succeed

 Promoting personal health and wellness

Teaching community values and employability skills



Learning and Growing Together as One School, One Community, One Purpose


Belonging Engaging Attitude Respectful Compassionate Authentic Talented Supportive



Spencerville Local School District 5 Year Forecast (updated bi-annually)


Spencerville Elementary School:

(419) 647-4113

Grades K-4

Student Hours: 8:45-3:45



Spencerville Middle School:

(419) 647-4112

Grades 5-8

Student Hours: 7:45-2:45

The purpose of education at Spencerville Elementary is to provide students with competent continuous instruction, sequential learning activities, and personal guidance whereby each child may develop to the maximum of his/her ability. Students should be given opportunities to develop a sense of social and civic responsibility. The emotional maturity of the student may be improved by self discipline, a sense of belonging, and by finding satisfaction in his/her development. In elementary education there is the permanent responsibility to help students explore their abilities and interests in order for them to discover and develop their goals, purposes, and direction in life. The goal of education in the elementary grades of the Spencerville schools is to assist children in mastering the basic tools of learning. These tools, including reading, language arts, math, science, and social studies, are needed to help students become clear thinking individuals capable of solving everyday problems. The years of elementary education are also designed to provide opportunities for each child to develop mentally, physically, and socially. Strong efforts are also made to encourage each child to respect law and order, to respect the rights, opinions, and property of others, and to practice tolerance and self control. The teachers work hard to teach a knowledge of, and appreciation for, the people of other lands, a loyalty to America and the American way of life. The decision was made to move a first grade teacher to a transitional-first grade classroom. The goal of this program is to bridge skills students lack from kindergarten to first. This program provides students an opportunity to acquire these skills so they can be successful for years to come. We are very fortunate at our elementary school to have an outstanding Parent-Teacher Organization. The Parent-Teacher Organization has purchased many items for our school over the years, as well as fund our field trips. Parents are welcome and encouraged to visit our school and to become an active part of our volunteers and Parent-Teacher Organization.

Staff Data: In 2021-2022 the elementary school (K-4) had: 1. 21 full-time equivalent classroom personnel and special education personnel and a pupil/teacher ratio of 17 to 1 2. 2 full-time equivalent other personnel (Title One) 3. 1 full-time equivalent administrative personnel 4. 1 Guidance Counselor 5. 1 full-time equivalent paid aid ( Playground Supervisor) 6. 4 part-time elective teachers (PE, Music, Art and Technology) 7. 5 part-time equivalent volunteers 8. Average teaching experience, 15 years. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BUILDING REPORT Homeroom teachers: 6 personnel with five years training (Bachelors +) 9 personnel with Masters Degree 8 personnel with Masters Degree + 9. 100% of teaching staff was Caucasian. 10. 91% of the teachers were women.  

Pupil Data: 1. Grade Boys Girls Total K.G. 30 27 57 T-1 5 8 13 1 25 21 46 2 32 50 82 3 28 31 59 4 35 41 76 155 178 333 2. 145 (40.6%) of total enrollment received free or reduced price lunches.

Standardized Test Data: The Readiness Assessment was given to kindergarten students as required by the state. Grades 1 and 2 were administered diagnostic tests for reading, writing and math. Grades 3 and 4 students were given AIR assessments for both reading and math, as well diagnostic assessments. All students in grades K-3 who were determined not “on track” were put on a Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plan, which included parental input, and were progress monitored. Progress monitoring is done to help to ensure that students are making adequate gains toward grade level expectations. On track means that students were reading at or close to grade level. Due to covid restrictions, we did not hold a parent night, however an informational video regarding the Third Grade Reading Guarantee was sent to parents. Students in grades 2 and 3 were also given Cognitive Abilities Test in the fall. First grade students were given the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills in the spring. These tests determine a basic level of aptitude and ability in Science, Math, English Language Arts, and Social Studies. These tests also help identify students who are gifted and may need additional services. Spencerville Elementary School did not receive a grade card last year due to school closure in the spring. Explanations and details for the grade card can be found at This is an interactive site on Ohio Department of Education’s web page.

Accomplishments of Middle School

Regular attendance and strong work ethic are essential if students are to meet with the desired success level in school. Middle school students need, and in most cases prefer, defined expectations for regular attendance, discipline, and school work. Teachers and parents need to make a concerted effort to encourage pupils to be in attendance each day with their work completed and with a sincere interest in learning. The Spencerville Middle School has a clearly defined discipline policy that promotes a strong learning environment as well as teachers who insist that students complete reasonable assignments. A clean, orderly environment with a sense of purpose is evident in our building. It is a place where all students are expected to learn. Some Accomplishments of Middle School 1. Academic Success – over 60% of students in grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 make the yearly merit or regular honor roll. 2. There were eight eighth grade students who were honored for academic excellence by receiving the President’s Education Award. The award requires students to maintain a 3.6 or better GPA throughout Middle School. This special award is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education and is signed by the President. Students receiving this award were Leah Elling, Kyleigh Foust, Clara Goecke, Allison Post, Owen Sensabaugh, Grady Smith, Jeweliette Stemen, and Noah Stewart. 3. Some of the ways middle school students were being rewarded for academic achievement and/or good citizenship – Students of the Month, Breakfast for Honor Roll students, and positive progress reports to students.

Staff Data – Middle School (5-8) 2021-2022 1. 1 full – time Administrator 2. 1 full-time Secretary 3. 1 full-time Guidance Counselor 4. 22 full- time academic and special education personnel Female Caucasian 14 Male Caucasian 8 Average years of experience, 20 years

Student Data 2021-2022 Grade Boys Girls Total 5th 36 35 71 6th 40 28 68 7th 39 45 84 8th 41 44 85 156 152 308

Curriculum and Testing Greater emphasis has been placed on improving growth for all students, specifically gifted and low performing students. Solving story problems and using manipulations are strategies being used by teachers to enhance students' reasoning skills. Providing support to help ensure students’ access to their grade level curriculum. A select group of students take Algebra in the eighth grade and perhaps will subsequently have more opportunity for advanced math in high school. Competency-based education tests are a state requirement for grades 5, 6, 7, 8 and are used as a tool for parents, teachers, and students to identify strengths and weaknesses of performance in the areas of reading, math, and science and social studies. We have state achievement tests in the following areas: 5th grade – reading, math, and science; 6th grade – reading and math; 7th grade – reading and math; 8th grade – reading, math, and science. For further information, the link for the Ohio Department of Education is listed below.


Spencerville High School:

(419) 647-4111

Grades 9-12

Student Hours: 7:45-2:45

Narrative: The employees of Spencerville High School made one commitment, to provide each student with an opportunity to receive an education that not only meets his/her current needs but also their needs in years to come. This is accomplished through a wide variety of educational opportunities, a caring and qualified staff, an energetic and thorough maintenance crew, and a supportive administration.

School Day: School begins at 7:45 am and ends at 2:45 pm. School was to be in session one hundred seventy-eight (178) days. School was not in session six (6) days due to inclement weather with one (1) remote learning day.

Attendance: There were three hundred nineteen (319) students enrolled in Spencerville High School for the 2021-2022 school year. Fifty-eight (58) students attended Apollo Career Center.

The Curriculum: Credits offered in the following areas: agriculture (8), art (6), business education (5), computer (3), English/Language Arts/Speech (9.5), foreign language [Spanish] (4), health/PE (1.75), mathematics (9), music (3), science (6), social studies (7), work and family life (5)

College Credit Plus Curriculum offered at Spencerville: Accounting I & II, Computer Applications I, Advanced English III, Advanced English IV, Personal Finance, and American Government, American History, Speech

Advanced Curriculum: Chemistry, Physics, Anatomy and Physiology, Calculus, Advanced Senior English, Advanced Junior English, Advanced Sophomore English, Advanced Freshman English

Fine Arts Curriculum: Art I, II, III, IV, V; Instrumental Music/Band; Vocal Music/Choir; Music Theory; Speech; Photography, Technical Drawing, Yearbook

Extra/Co-Curricular & Clubs: The high school offered a wide variety of extra-curricular programs and activities including football, golf, cheerleading, volleyball, cross-country, soccer, basketball, wrestling, track, softball, and baseball. Clubs included SADD, FCCLA, FFA, FCA, Art, Scholastic Team, Concert Band, Jazz Band, Marching Band, Symphonic Band, Choir, Varsity Singers, All-School Musical, Flag Corps, National Honor Society, Science Olympiad, Student Council, Spanish, and Yearbook.

Special Services: The high school is assisted by a school psychologist, speech therapist, and county special education supervisor.

Credits Required for Graduation: 21.5 (4 English, 3 Science, 4 Math, 1 Health/PE, 1 American History, 1 American Government, 1 World History, 1 Financial Literacy, 1 Fine Arts, 5 electives)

GPA: Calculated at the conclusion of each semester

Class Rank: Based on total

GPA - total grade points divided by total credits attempted. (Does not include Spencerville Digital Academy students or classes)

Honor Roll: Merit 3.6 - 4.00, Regular 3.00 - 3.59

Testing: PLAN (optional for sophomores), PSAT (optional for sophomores and juniors), ACT (all juniors will take in 2023), End of Course Exams: English II, Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, American History, Government

End of Course Testing Results 2022: • English II – 96 tested with 76% proficient or higher; State Average 57% • Algebra I – 84 tested with 56% proficient or higher; State Average 45% • Geometry – 77 tested with 66% proficient or higher; State Average 42% • Biology – 87 tested with 70% proficient or higher; State Average 62% • American History – 96 tested with 75% proficient or higher; State Average 66% • American Government – 74 tested with 88% proficient or higher; State Average 71% *ACT 2021-2022 Average: 19.4 Composite (includes all juniors)

Graduates: Post-Secondary Plans: 2-yr institution 15% [2022 graduates] 4-yr institution 39% Military 1% Employment 35% Other/Unknown 10%

Student Data 2021-2022: Male Female Total 9th Grade 47 31 78 10th Grade 61 34 95 11th Grade 41 37 78 12th Grade 26 42 68 175 144 319 Ethnic Composition of High School Students White/Caucasian 290 African-American 3 Multiracial 19 Hispanic 4 Asian/Pacific Islander 3 Alaska Native/American Indian 0




Facts & Figures

Total Student Enrollment: 979

Certified Staff: 36

Classified Staff: 77


Community Profile  

Spencerville was founded in 1844 on the banks of the Miami-Erie Canal.  We are a small rural community of approximately 2,300 people that is located in Northwest Ohio.

Village of Spencerville Homepage 


Athletics & Activities

The following extracurricular activities are available to all Junior High and High School students at Spencerville Local Schools.  Students are encouraged to participate in activities to create a balance in their educational program.  The clubs and groups sponsored by the school are:

Art Club, Band, Cheer, Choir, Class Officers, FCA, FCCLA, FFA, Flags, Guys with Ties, Girls with Pearls, Musical, NHS, Positive Peers, Power of the Pen, Quiz Bowl (MS/HS), SADD, Spanish Club, STEM Program, Student Council (MS/HS), Yearbook, Youth and Government

*Band and Choir include academic credit.

Athletics, under OHSAA guidelines, include:

High School - Baseball, Basketball (boys & girls), Cross Country (boys & girls), Football, Golf, Soccer (boys & girls), Softball, Track (boys & girls), Volleyball, Wrestling, 

Junior High – Baseball, Basketball (boys & girls), Cross Country (boys & girls), Football, Track (boys & girls), Softball, Volleyball, Wrestling




8th Advanced classes (Math/ELA) 

6th/7th Advanced Math 

Career Tech thru Apollo 

Music Programs 

Digital Academy 


Career Programs

AG/FFA, Apollo, Career Readiness Classes in MS/HS 


College Credit Plus

 Partnerships with UNOH, Rhodes State College, University of Findlay, Franklin University 


Student Services & Programming

 Gifted, Intervention Support, PBIS


Nursing Services

First aid to K-12 students and staff
Assistance with students with chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, seizure disorder - ie. checking blood sugars, dosing insulin pumps, using inhalers...
Verification of emergency medical forms completed on all K-12 students
Vision Screens - K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th and any new student in all grades
Hearing Screens - K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 9th, 11th, and any new student in all grades
Check immunization records and birth certificates on incoming  kindergarteners & new students in all grades
Check immunization status of 7th graders for Tdap and meningitis vaccines and 12th graders for meningitis vaccine
Education - Kindergarten - Handwashing Teaching & 5th grade Puberty Talk
Annual Bloodborne Pathogen Instruction to all staff
Diabetes and Epipen staff training
Influenza and Hepatitis B Vaccines for staff
Emergency Triage Training, including First Aid & CPR instruction
Wellness Committee Co-chair
Dental education for elementary student

Community Connections with Cornerstone of Hope

Cornerstone of Hope Lima provides quality, faith-based counseling to all ages in need of support along their healing journey. We serve people struggling with needs such as abuse, divorce, grief, anxiety, depression, addiction, trauma and a myriad of other challenges. We meet people where they are and extend hope through individual counseling, marriage and family counseling, numerous groups, as well as unique events and trainings in the community. 

Cornerstone of Hope Lima