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Spencerville Local Schools

Clinic/School Nurse


Welcome to the Clinic


Christina Erickson, RN
419.647.4113 ext. 3105 
Hours - 7:50 AM to 3:20 PM


Read our School Wellness Policy

Access to all school related medical forms in printable format:




First aid to K-12 students and staff

Assistance with students with chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, seizure disorder - ie. checking blood sugars, dosing insulin pumps, using inhalers...

Verification of emergency medical forms completed on all K-12 students

Vision Screens - K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th and any new student in all grades

Hearing Screens - K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 9th, 11th, and any new student in all grades

Check immunization records and birth certificates on incoming  kindergarteners & new students in all grades

Check immunization status of 7th graders forTdap and menigitis vaccines and 12th graders for menigitis vaccine

Education - Kindergarten - Handwashing Teaching & 5th grade Puberty Talk

Annual Bloodborne Pathogen Instruction to all staff

Diabetes and Epipen staff training

Influenza and Hepatitis B Vaccines for staff

Emergency Triage Training, including First Aid & CPR instruction

Wellness Committee Co-chair

Dental education for elementary student